Sunday, November 16, 2008

Seniors' Schedule of English Classes This Week

Monday - Submission of Final Draft and List of Roles/Staff for the Play Production Script; Quiz about the Short Story, "The Lottery Ticket", Purpose of Fiction, and Plot Lines;

Checking of Homework about "The Necklace",

(Rehearsal for ADT-2nd Period for English) and (for Barbe's Research: Submission of Final Questionnaire Matrix and Letter for your Survey)

Tuesday - 2 period-Rehearsal for Micheau's Play Production

Wednesday - Rehearsal for Barbe's Play Production

Thursday - Regular Class for All Sections (Topic: "The Necklace")

Friday - Rehearsal for ADT's and Barbe's Play Production

VERY IMPORTANT: Please find Time to Rehearse (Breaks, Vacant Period/s, etc) since Wednesday and Friday classes will be interrupted


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