Saturday, February 21, 2009

BOOK REPORT: Tuesdays With Morrie

My general tip is to read and understand what is written below this post as your guide for the book report. Make sure that all parts are included (INTRODUCTION, BODY with 4 Sub-Parts, and CONCLUSION). Below is the specific book report format:

- At least 3 pages (preferably) or up to a maximum of 4 pages only
- A MUST : Use short, clean, unscented white bond paper
(letter size / 8.5” x 11”) only
- Printed from the Computer (or Typewritten) – Spacing: double-spaced only
- Font type: Times New Roman only
- Font size: 10 (at least) or 12 (at most) only
- Font color: Black only
- All Paragraphs must be Justified (Not Centered nor Aligned to the left or right)
- Or if Handwritten (A MUST : write legibly, in print) – Spacing: 1.5 only
- No erasure (in any form), No cover page, No folders
- Upper left topmost part – Surname, Given name, and Middle name
- below are your Year Level and Section
- Upper right topmost part – Book Report: A Project in English IV
- below is the Date of submission
- Centered: Title of the book / report


- February 24, 2009 (Not later than the Tuesday morning break at 10:30 A.M.)
points will be given to those who will submit the book report WITHOUT ERRORS on the format, so do what is asked of you to do, and
- Deductions from the Total Grade for Late Submission will be given

Here is the content of the book report:

Your Original Title for the Report (Write Original Subtitles for Each Part As Well)


The introduction to the book report should contain a short description of the book and its general plot line. It must contain the title, the name of the author, the year it was written, and a very brief summary (2-3 sentences) of the major plot line. The introduction may make a general reference to the main characters, but it should only introduce who they are; it should not discuss the conflicts facing these characters.

Don't get too detailed here. Provide basic information about the book. You should include:
· Title (underlined)/Author of the Book
· Publication Information: Publisher, year, number of pages
· Genre
· A brief introduction to the book and your report

BODY PARAGARAPHS (A Must: 4 Paragraphs)

The body is the longest and most detailed section of the book report. The body paragraphs should contain a critical discussion of the major thematic elements of the book, the main characters, the plot lines, and the questions of conflict and how they are resolved. A book report is most effective when it is broken down into the major aspects of a novel and when you can identify the main elements that a writer is trying to convey without getting lost in the detail.

The Setting

The first section of the body should contain a summary of the novel’s setting. In other words, you must discuss the time period (or periods) that the story takes place, a description of where the main plot lines occur, and who the main characters are. In this last respect, you must identify the main protagonist of the story. This character is always the most fully developed and the story focuses on what happens in his or her life. Like the introduction, this section should be fairly short, but it should contain some critical analysis of the novel.

The Major Dramatic Question

Fairly early in the content paragraphs of the book report, you must be able to identify the novel’s major dramatic question, which is usually answered by a simple “yes” or “no.” The major dramatic question demonstrates your comprehension of the novel’s “big picture” and what message the author is trying to convey. The major dramatic question is the central organizing force that ties all of the major plot lines together. Frequently, the major dramatic question contains a reference to the novel’s protagonist.

The Plot Lines

The most extensive section of the book report should contain a summary of the novel’s main plot lines, keeping in mind the importance of the major dramatic question. Plot is essentially conflict. The novel depends on it, and it is focused in large part on the main character. Sources of conflict can be both internal and external.

You must give a summary of how the plot develops in the story, focusing on the conflicts facing the main character and how those conflicts are resolved throughout the story. It is critical to identify the other major characters, but simply reciting who they are is not enough. An effective book report demonstrates the influence that other characters have on the main character and how those characters cause the protagonist to act and change (or sometimes, not act and not change). Examples of how these influences play out are very important.

Be sure to incorporate critical analysis into the report. The best way to do this is to frame any discussion of the plot around the major dramatic question and the development of the main character, demonstrating how the sources of conflict lead to the ultimate resolution of the story. It is imperative that you identify specific examples from the novel to illustrate that you have a thorough understanding the novel’s plot and how it impacts, and ultimately resolves, the major dramatic question.

The Climax

A book report will not be effective unless you describe how the conflict was resolved. You should keep in mind that giving away the climax is just a starting point in this section; you must identify how the plot’s resolution impacted the main character, and whether there are any unresolved questions that are not immediately apparent from the book. It is a good idea to discuss one or two major thematic elements (such as irony) and how these themes were developed.

In addition, you may explore whether the point-of-view from which the story is told played any importance in the ultimate resolution of the novel, and whether the point-of-view was effective. Many novels are open to interpretation and authors do not want to give away how the character changed. However, if you offer your own conclusion and interpretation of what likely happened to the main character, supported by a convincing example or two from the novel, then you will have demonstrated to your teacher or professor that you have given critical thought to the book.

CONCLUDING PARAGRAPHS (At least 2 Paragraphs)

The conclusion paragraph of your book report is not a summary of what you have just written. It should contain a clear paragraph or two of whether the novel accomplished its goal of demonstrating a larger idea out of the specific plot line, whether the story impacted or affected the reader, and whether the main characters were believable and convincing. This section is an opportunity for you to give your impression of the book. An ineffective conclusion simply states a personal opinion of the book without giving the teacher any idea of why you have reached this point. A more persuasive final paragraph demonstrates that you have given the book some critical thought, identified the main themes of the book, and understood the central point that the author was trying to convey.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

THE TRUMAN SHOW: How’s It Going To End?

Answer the Guide Questions. Reason Out by Defending Your Answers.

1. Being chosen to be the star of his own “TV show”, do you consider Truman lucky?

2. Is the world created for Truman perfect?

3. Before Truman knew everything, was he living a real/natural/authentic life?

4. After knowing his situation, was Truman living a real/natural/authentic life in the world created for him?

5. Do you think he has freedom before he knew the set up?

6. Is freewill absolute?

7. Do you think Christof (“the creator”) has the right to do what he did to Truman towards the end of the movie?

8. Which world is better for Truman: his world inside the studio or the “real/outside world”?

9. If you are Truman and you have found out the truth from “the creator” (who made you realize a lot of things like being blessed with almost everything), what will you do: will you still leave your “world”?

10. Would you like to live Truman’s life?

IMPORTANT: Ask for your guardian's signature. Write your COMPLETE ANSWERS ONLY on a letter size (short) bond paper. Make sure that what you will submit is printed (computerized). Deadline is on Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009 during your respective English period.


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