Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Play Production Schedule for Seniors

Here's the checklist I have made...

Micheau had their Make-up, Dress, and Technical Rehearsal last Tuesday, November 25 at the Gym. They just need to polish the transitions of scenes. However, they need to work better on the blocking, execution of lines and acting, as well as the sound/music.

ADT’s schedule for the Make-up, Dress, and Technical Rehearsal at the Gym is on Wednesday, November 26 at 12:10 PM. Wednesday has shortened period classes. ADT students will have their two-period TLE beginning 7:00 AM.

Barbe’s schedule is as follows: on Wednesday, November 26 at 7:00-8:50 AM, Barbe will have their classroom practices. Ms. Encarnacion generously gives the 1st half of her two-period TLE from 10:00-10:50 after Recess. Barbe’s Make-up, Dress, and Technical Rehearsal at the Gym starts at 3:10 PM on Friday, November 28. Ms. De Luna’s 4:10-5:10 period on Friday will be spent for the said practice.

Thursday’s English period is the time for each section’s promotion in school. Be ready for the promotion (Approved Tarpaulin/Poster/Leaflets). Only a scene or two will be performed in each class that will be visited.

The Saturday practice is yet to be approved. Upon approval, the schedule of the final rehearsal will start at 1:00 PM inside each section’s room. All the props/set/backdrop MUST be kept within the classroom by Saturday, November 29. ATTENDANCE will be CHECKED.

WE NEED TO SOLVE THIS: Making sure that the backdrop is all black. FINDING a cheap rental for Sounds (and Lights?) – the budget will be equally divided into three.

REMEMBER: Regardless if your class wins first place or not, your grade DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE AWARDS/SCORE. WHAT’S IMPORTANT is that you do everything in accordance to the correct process of the production. NO APPROVAL MEANS NO GRADE.



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